Ragene Raithatha, Director in the Construction & Infrastructure team at DWF, comments on the IHS Markit / CIPS UK Construction PMI for January 2021. She said:

“The first month of 2021 indicated a marginal decline in UK construction output, as a result of third national lockdown and concerns about the short-term economic outlook.

“Nonetheless, the construction industry has been able to keep building through the various lockdowns, and the resilience of the sector is a rare positive in comparison to other sectors.

“Positively, employee numbers have also risen slightly in December, after a sustained drop in numbers.

“With various Coronavirus vaccines now being rolled out, there is a real hope among the industry that whilst we may have begun 2021 in a national lockdown, we are optimistic it can become a year of recovery, as the workforce get back out to work in greater numbers.”