Emergency works are currently being undertaken by leading wet civil engineering firm Land & Water, on the River Don in Doncaster, to repair a large slip on an embankment on behalf of BAM Nuttall and the Environment Agency.

The works which commenced this week will see Land & Water use a 100tonne crane  and 17tonne long reach excavator, mounted on to a pontoon from the adjacent Sheffield and South Yorkshire Canal, to carry out sheet piling to the toe of the river embankment. The reach of this machinery makes it an ideal solution for the task which will also see the civil engineering firm dig out in front of and behind the piles, using the crane and grab, to bench in the failed slope section by section, placing rip rap stone to protect the bank.

Discussing the works, Land & Water’s Project Manager Charlie Oakes says: “This is such an interesting project for Land & Water as it allows us to use our capabilities and specialist plant to safeguard the river’s embankment and protect against flooding in the area.

“As BAM Nuttall and the Environment Agency took us on as part of an emergency project, it has been vital we complete works efficiently and within a quick turnaround time. As part of this, all sections of works will be carried out in 5m sections to ensure nothing is exposed overnight.”

Land & Water prides itself on delivering strategic flood and coastal-defence projects throughout the UK to reduce flood levels and provide minimum-impact solutions for the communities within the areas it works.